Suction & evacuation is a technique of emptying the uterus of a pregnancy. It can be used to terminate a pregnancy or to remove a fetus that has died. It involves the removal of a fetus and accompanying tissue of the pregnancy from the uterus with instrumental evacuation through the vagina and is usually performed in the first trimester of pregnancy.
This refers to a pregnancy that fails to grow, either because no embryo is formed (blighted ovum) or there is no cardiac activity (no heartbeat). Loss of a pregnancy prior to the 23rd completed week is generally considered a miscarriage. However, some guidelines use the cut-off of 20 to 22 weeks to define it.
How common is it?
Combined oral contraceptives (COC) pills
The reason for practicing contraception (or birth control) is to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. Most methods of contraception enable sexually active couples to temporarily avoid pregnancy. Permanent birth control is accomplished through sterilization. There are many types of birth control methods that are currently available. There is no perfect method at the moment. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Be sure you know and understand the different types of birth control available to you, the risks and benefits of each, and any side effects, so that you can make an informed choice.
Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN)
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (or CIN) refers to the presence of abnormal cells seen on the cervical cytology smear. These abnormal cells are obtained from the lining of the outer cervix and can range from mild to severe changes. A diagnosis of CIN changes is not cancer. However, the severe form of dysplasia can be considered a precancerous condition and may eventually progress to cancer in several years if not treated.
The cervical cytology smear was previously referred to as Pap smear. Currently, the newer cervical cancer screening uses a liquid based cytology and the commonest one used are: Thin Prep or Sure-Path. These are better and more accurate compared to the conventional Pap smear test.
Classification of CIN
In a normal menstrual cycle, the endometrial tissues respond to cyclical female hormones and becomes progressively thicker and will eventually shed each month if the woman is not pregnant. It is discharged as menstrual flow at the end of each cycle. In endometriosis, this shedding and bleeding will occur outside the uterus as well, causing significant pain. Recurrent bleeding and healing cycle will eventually cause scar tissue formation and destruction of pelvic structures. The excessive blood will accumulate over a period of time and eventually forms a cyst in the ovary (called endometriotic cyst or endometrioma). The 4 stages (classification) of endometriosis (minimal, mild, moderate or severe) are used to describe the location and the severity of the disorder.
Vaccination and Pregnancy
Laparoscopy in Gynaecology
INDICATIONS – When is it necessary
- Evaluation and treatment of women who has difficulty in conceiving.
- Evaluation and treatment of known or suspected endometriosis.
- Pelvic infections
- Removal of diseased fallopian tubes, ovaries, cysts or uterus
- Undiagnosed pelvic pain
- Uterine fibroids
- Voluntary sterilization (tubal ligation or occlusion for permanent family planning)
- For diagnosis and treatment of a variety of other pelvic or abdominal disorders
Caesarean Section
- Baby’s head too large to pass through the birth canal.
- Baby in the wrong orientation – head up (breech) or transverse.
- Failure of cervix to dilate (failed induction of labour).
- Abnormal placenta location obstructing the birth canal (placenta praevia).
- Failure of normal labour progress.
- Situation where urgent delivery is indicated such as fetal distress or severe illness in the mother (such as severe hypertension or sudden fits).
- Infection such as HIV or acute herpes genitalis infection in the mother.
Special situations: pregnancy resulting from assisted reproductive technology (ART), maternal request